“My favorite aspect of the Leadership Ascent Program was witnessing each of us conquer our initial fears and inertia. Everyone bravely stepped out of their comfort zones, achieving a 100% participation rate—an inspiring testament to the program's effectiveness.”
Participating in the Leadership Ascent program has been an eye-opening experience. The most powerful takeaway for me was the realization that to drive significant change, you must embrace that challenging first step out of your comfort zone.
Incorporating 'intentional trust building' into my leadership style is now a priority. I'm committed to frequent check-ins with my team, ensuring they have the support and guidance they need to succeed.
Bringing the 'magic from the mountain home' involves several key actions. Firstly, assuring my team that I always 'have their back'. Setting clear milestones and celebrating their progress is crucial. Encouragement for every small step they take, leading to greater achievements, is equally important. Lastly, publicly recognizing their successes is a must.
My favorite aspect of the Leadership Ascent Program was witnessing each of us conquer our initial fears and inertia, ultimately overcoming the daunting challenge before us. Moreover, the incredible support from non-climbers, encouraging us to persist, made the experience even more memorable. Everyone bravely stepped out of their comfort zones, achieving a 100% participation rate—an inspiring testament to the program's effectiveness.
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