The Importance Of Follow Up In Your Job Search

Whether you've just finished the second round of interviews or you've blasted your resume to every job posting in the tri-state area, you can't just sit back and wait for the phone to ring.

That traditional job search tactic of sending out resumes and crossing your fingers until a hiring manager calls you isn't going to do wonders for your career. Persistence and preparation will help you land your dream job.

Following up with people is an important part of any job search and must be added to the mix in order to secure a position. Properly executed, this component can make or break your chances of getting hired.

When To Follow Up

While following up is really dependent on the situation, there are a few general guidelines you can follow to ensure that your efforts are appropriate.

After Your Apply

Generally, it's a good idea to follow up after you submit an application. During the first few days of your job search, you should always try to locate the hiring manager's name and then send them a personalized note expressing your interest in their open position after you apply. This is an excellent way to get to the top of their inbox.

After Each Interview

Another time you should follow up is after an interview. It's good practice to send thank you emails that let hiring managers know how much you appreciated your time together.

This is also a great place to touch base briefly and confirm next steps, like the date of their decision.

Why Following Up Is Important

In today’s job market, sending in cold applications won’t cut it. That’s why it’s absolutely crucial to figure out who the hiring manager is and find the right tone and frequency in your follow-ups. Convey your passion without too lengthy, follow-up consistently without being pushy, and go the extra mile that folks who blast out hundreds of resumes are not willing (nor have time) to go.

It’s up to you, you can play the numbers game or learn to be strategic and implement a targeted job search approach.


No matter where you're at in the job search process, following up after each step is a surefire way to get closer to landing your dream job.

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