What Does Dressing For Success Mean In The Online Marketplace

Traditionally, the advice to "dress for success" was easy to interpret. Most of us worked in an office environment where we were required and motivated to look presentable in our suits and slacks. 

Today's world is a little different. Thanks to the global pandemic that rocked humanity, many of us are working from home. Which means our normal office attire has been replaced by sweatpants and workout shirts. 

So how does "dress for success" play out in the online marketplace? 

You Can Be Way More Casual 

No one is getting brownie points for wearing a tuxedo on a Zoom call.  In fact, we're probably not going to be able to focus on what you're saying until you change out of your suit and into something more normal. 

In the online marketplace, you can afford to dress more casually. Especially since the majority of meetings and conferences only show your face. 

But You Should Still Take Care Of Your Appearance

On the flip side, you don't want to look like you just rolled out of bed, either.  You should make an effort to dress like a grownup. 

Brush your hair, put on a shirt that wasn't slept-in, and keep your clothes clean. These actions will go a long way in showing respect to whoever is on the other end of your Zoom call. 

You Can Show More Personality  

In the online marketplace, there is a lot more room for your clothing to express your personality and unique style.  

You don't have to stick with the drab colors and conservative styles that we're all so used to. Show off your bolder side. Be creative with your outfits. But make sure you look presentable at the same time. 

But Keep In Mind Who You're Presenting To

Some people are more casual about clothing than others. Though we're all trying to express our individuality, underneath it all is a responsibility to maintain professionalism with the people you are doing business with. 

So while the rules of office wear have grown a lot more lax since we're in our living rooms,  you should still try to dress as well as you can.

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