3 Signs It's Time To Change Careers

We all know that the world of work is changing. It's more competitive than ever, and it can be hard to know what steps to take in order to succeed.

One thing you should never do? Wait for opportunities to come knocking on your door. If you want to feel passion and drive again in your career, you have to go out there and make it happen.

But if you're on the fence about whether or not you should change careers or start looking for a new job, here are some signs you can look for. 

#1 You're Not Learning New Things  

If you're not learning, you're not growing. And if you're not growing, then it might be time to move on.

One of the best ways to ensure you won't get bored in your career is to make sure that you are constantly learning new things. Hone your current skills and learn how to move up in the ranks by taking on more responsibilities, or jump out of your comfort zone and learn something completely new.

Consider taking a class outside of work to keep expanding your skill set while you wait for an opportunity to present itself. Your continued learning will help you stay fulfilled with what you do every day, which can lead directly back into feeling inspired once again about your career.

#2 You're Not Challenging Yourself

If you're still doing the same things you did last year, and your mentality is just "make it through the day," it might be time to shake things up.

Careers are often made up of a series of incremental steps, but if you feel like you've hit a wall then it’s time to take a leap forward.

While you're looking for a new job, ask your current boss for some new opportunities. Don't wait until they offer it to you. If you want a change, ask for it.

#3 You're Not Doing What You Love

If you spend more time fantasizing about the last vacation you took than the work that pays your bills, then it might be time to reevaluate what's next.

To find new opportunities on your own terms, don't wait for an opportunity to fall in your lap. Take matters into your own hands and find companies or jobs that align with who you are now.

There's nothing wrong with wanting a change! Your career is supposed to give you meaning and fulfillment in life, so don't shy away from doing whatever needs to be done to make that happen. If something just doesn't feel right anymore in your career, it might be time to see what's next.