How To Set Goals When You Suffer From SOS (Shiny Object Syndrome)

Are you a creative visionary who never runs out of ideas? Do you find yourself jumping from one goal to the next? Especially when you hit a little roadblock?

Shiny Object Syndrome (or SOS) can keep a lot of people from reaching their career goals. Personally, I’ve never been one who runs out of ideas for goals I want to set for myself. Whether it's climbing a mountain, running a marathon, or reaching a new milestone in my business.

What I do have trouble with is finishing those tasks—especially when I hit a roadblock. If a challenge or obstacles messes with my momentum, it’s easy for me to call it quits and jump to the next exciting idea.

If you can relate, know that you're not alone. I coach many brilliant, talented people who suffer from SOS. But I have found a way to nip this issue in the proverbial bud by combining two popular techniques.

#1 The 100-Day Goal Journal

I received this as a gift from a coach I was working with in 2019, and I absolutely loved it! Naturally, I set very high expectations and goals for myself—but I didn't follow through and that journal landed in the drawer.

Recently, my business partner mentioned a similar journal by the same author and how it has helped him. That inspired me to dig out my old journal and start over with a new goal in mind.

And the results have been fantastic.

I especially love setting 3 micro-goals and the 10-day sprints where you review what has gone well and what didn’t and come up with solutions.

#2 The Pomodoro Method

If you haven't heard of the Pomodoro Method yet, basically it's a 25-minute timer you use to focus and get things done.

I combined the 100-Day Goal Journal with the Pomodoro Method to work in small focused sprints to chop away on my 3 micro-goals every day!

Combining these two techniques has been working well for me. What are  your thoughts on this topic? How do you overcome your Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS)? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.