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Fast Track to Land

your Dream Job.

Stop the numbers game with a targeted job search strategy


Is this you?

When you started out in your career path…

You had dreams and aspirations. 

You had a plan and a strategy to get there.

You were driven and executed your strategy while reaching goals, new titles, a bigger salary.


Here you are years later and your career is not what you hoped for. 

Are you ready to ditch the status quo and take charge of your life and career?

Join the Career Coaching course!

 This program will guide you to your next position or career that fully aligns with your talents and values.

Your job won’t feel like work anymore.

As a result you will get to show up as your authentic self and do the work that you are most passionate about.

Martina is a one of a kind resource. In a short amount of time Martina helped me turn my less than exciting job search into a full fledged offer producing machine. Not only did she help me find a job in the middle of a pandemic, she helped me realize all the skills I had, didn’t know I had, or had to learn in order for my success to be assured. On top of all this she is polite and knowledgeable. I would highly recommend her services above all others.
— Michael T.


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We will implement a targeted job search strategy that cuts out the guesswork and delivers results fast

I’ll show you 

  • How to be in charge of your job search without sending out hundreds of applications.

  • How to show up as your authentic self in interviews.

  • How to land your dream job that’s aligned with your values and life.

If you are

  • Motivated to align your career with your values

  • Ready to take charge of your job search and find positions that allow for growth and pay the right salary

Take charge of your job search, now!

Ready to get started?

Level up your job search techniques with my self-paced course.

 What’s covered:


Pillars of a successful and fulfilling career

Module 1

Getting Clarity & Building the foundation - Things to do before starting a job search

Module 2

Getting your hiring documents ready - Learn how to craft an engaging resume and cover letter that stand out

Module 3

Your Targeted Strategy - Follow these steps to get consistent interviews

Module 4

Sealing The Deal - Interviewing & Salary Negotiation

Module 5

Mindset Work - How to stay positive during the job search

This course is for…

Mid-career professionals who are ready to take charge of their job search and find positions that allow for growth and pay the right salary.

 Client Testimonials
